
Friday the 13th is coming to the Switch on August 13th

Friday the 13th: The Game – Ultimate Slasher Edition for the Nintendo Switch includes:

– All DLC and Retail Exclusive Content – In addition to all previously released DLC – including 10 single player challenges, new maps, characters, counselor outfits, Jason skins, additional kills for Jason and the complete Virtual Cabin experience – the physical edition also offers exclusive Bloody Jason Skins and clothing packs.

– Eight-Person Multiplayer and Single Player Modes – On maps spanning multiple iconic locations from the movie franchise, players will match up online as either Jason Voorhees or a Camp Counselor trying to survive the night. Players seeking lower pressure slasher fun can take the fight offline in matches with AI bots.

– Killer Variety – Players can don the mask of their favorite incarnations of Jason Voorhees as depicted in films two through nine. Each Jason is hand-crafted with specific strengths, weaknesses, and exclusive brutal kills. The retail edition offers even more brutal execution options, with the Pick Axe, Pig Splitter and Machete Kill Packs.

 Character Customization – As players level up, they will unlock new playable Counselor and Jason models that can be purchased with Customization Points (CPs). CPs also unlock new kills for Jason, game-changing perks that help Camp Counselors survive the night, emotes for self-expression, and various regalia appropriate for a funeral … or seven. The retail edition includes the Spring Break ’84 Clothing and Halloween Costume Packs for players to try on before the murder party.

– Franchise Authenticity – The game draws expertise from horror icons including Sean S. Cunningham (director/creator of Friday the 13th), Tom Savini (FX legend and effects director of Friday the 13th), composer Harry Manfredini (various compositions from the franchise) and Kane Hodder (Jason Voorhees actor; Part 7, 8 and 9).

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