
Rising Lords – Tactical Medieval Strategy Game Launches Today on Steam Early Access

Delve into a “medieval tapestry come to life” in Argonwood’s debut, a highly anticipated strategy game that blends elements of board, card, and tactical strategy games in one beautiful package

Rising Lords, the tactical, medieval strategy game from German indie developer Argonwood, is out now on Steam Early Access after several years in development, for $18.99, minus a limited-time 10% launch discount. Argonwood has released a brand new Early Access launch trailer to give players a taste of this ambitious strategy game. Watch it now on YouTube.

Rising Lords puts you at the helm of your own medieval serfdom with a vast array of gameplay elements to enjoy. Collect taxes and resources, dictate rations and field work, forge weapons, raise armies, and build mighty fortified cities. Send your serfs into battle with deep, tactical combat; engage in diplomacy and spread misinformation; besiege enemy cities; customize your leader and troops; and so much more. The game offers options for single players, as well as online multiplayer for up to four; and with this being an Early Access release, there’s a lot more to come.

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