

No Rest in the Wild West!

Our stealthy adventurer scores with an all-new title, gameplay, artwork, and features. Berlin, Germany / Giebelstadt, Germany, June 15th, 2020: A lot has happened in the spaghetti-western world of our favorite kid pioneer! The gripping story of an adventurous child looking for his mother has deepened while staying true to its […]

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Adventures and Looting Continue on Consoles in Moonlighter’s Biggest Expansion, Between Dimensions!

Warsaw, Poland – May 20th, 2020 — Sharpen your sword and make some change for the shop! Between Dimensions is making its long-awaited console debut on May, 29th! 11 bit studios and Digital Sun announce that the biggest expansion to the world of Moonlighter will be coming to Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 […]

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