Free demos for Spitlings, Chicken Police, Pile Up!, and Airhead will remain available!
Giebelstadt, Germany, September 8th, 2020: We’ve been absolutely overwhelmed by the positive reactions to the gamescom / Indie Arena Booth demos that we’ve made available for Spitlings, Chicken Police, Pile Up!, and Airhead. It’s been great to see how many people enjoyed the gameplay and the feedback our developer teams received has been invaluable.
To allow those of you who have not had a chance to get their hands on the demos to dive into the slimy highrise of Spitlings, the wild noir city of Clawvile, the cardboard world of Pile Up!, or the gloomy caves of Airhead, we’ll keep them online on Steam for you to download and play to your heart’s content.

About Spitlings:
Spitlings is a chaotic action arcade game for one to four players. It puts you in control of the titular Spitlings: charming rectangular creatures with teeth they can spit at bubbles or use to jump! Your goal is simple, but hard to achieve: Get rid of all the bubbles bouncing around the screen! Prepare for intense moments and a lot of shouting, as you and your friends will beat level after level by the spit, uhm, skin of your teeth.
Developed by Massive Miniteam
About Chicken Police:
Chicken Police is a story- and dialogue-heavy game combining elements of the visual novel and classic adventure genres. There will be more than 30 characters to talk to, with some requiring you to apply fierce interrogation tactics. Collect tons of clues, evidence and sensitive personal information from the shady characters of Clawville to be used ruthlessly against them!
Developed by The Wild Gentlemen
About Airhead:
Dive into deep dark caverns, explore ancient structures and survive an industrial dystopia to solve the mystery of Head’s significance in this world. Experience a beautiful art style while being filled with a sense of responsibility and urgency to help your friend. With a heavy focus on puzzle solving, this unusual challenge will require you to use your Head and Body both separately and together.
Developed by Octato
About Pile Up!:
Pile up ticks all the right boxes as a family-friendly cooperative 3D platformer for 1 to 4 players! Jump up, slide down, play together and carry the load! Coordinate with your friends or rely on your own creativity to navigate a colorful cardboard world full of uniquely joyful levels, where you encounter the friendliest bosses you have ever seen!
Developed by Seed by Seed