
EVERSPACE 2 Update Shows Planetary Scrapyard, Ship Devices and Device Modes, New Concept Art, and More

Planetary Scrapyard | Hi-res Player Ships | Ship Device Modes | New Concept Art

Greetings, Pilots!

We hope everyone is doing alright during these challenging times. Fortunately, the entire ROCKFISH team and our loved ones are safe & sound. We are incredibly grateful that we can work from home, and for the fact that we are still in a financially comfortable position so we can continue working on EVERSPACE 2. Sure, we’re losing a bit of steam as up- and downloading tens of gigabytes of graphic assets and test builds to and from the cloud is no joke. What used to take minutes can now take several hours. Our communication is also a bit slower, but considering the situation the world is currently in, we can be very pleased with the progress we’re making.

As we don’t expect this crisis to be over any time soon, we decided to run more key giveaway campaigns like we just did on Destructoid and PC Invasion to compensate for missed opportunities to demo the alpha and beta version of EVERSPACE 2 to our fans, content creators, and the media. So, if you haven’t already pledged on the Standard Edition or higher, keep your eyes peeled for future announcements – this is the time where you should follow us on Twitter if you don’t, already. 

New Concept Art

As we promised a much bigger game world in EVERSPACE 2, we have been hard at work producing a lot of new concept art pieces. Some of you have already seen them in our weekly dev & community streams on Fridays, but we’d like to share them here, too, so none of you fine space pilots miss out on anything.

The Outlaw Viper fires corrosion missiles from afar. When closing in on its target, it switches to drone behavior and folds out its armor to fire with a battery of scatterguns while orbiting around its prey – snakey!

The Carrier is the pride of the G&B Fleet. To compensate for its low mobility, it not only features a super durable hull underneath massive plating, a small fleet of fighters and drones can launch from openings in the hull on each side to keep attackers at bay. Those hangars also serve for mining and supply vessels to land. Consequently, security measures and defense systems are extremely sophisticated to prevent any introducers from sabotaging the carrier’s supralight energy coils and its turbines.

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